Bowling Shirts-Retro

Retro Bowling Shirts! Various styles of Retro Bowling Shirts.

We have added the ability to personalize your bowling shirts. The lettering styles we offer are shown on a seperate page (Lettering Styles page). You can add a first name to the front or a first and last name to your shirt back. All custom logos must be submitted for a quote. Use the artwork upload link on the left to upload your custom logo. All the options will be shown when you get to the shopping cart.

PLEASE NOTE: All apparel is blank pricing only. Imprinting is an extra charge.

Please check out the new section we have added to our website. Click on the Promo Products Catalog wording at the top of the page. Be sure to enter the $1000 drawing and browse thru over half a million promotional products and apparel for yourself or your business

PLEASE NOTE: All apparel is blank pricing only. Embroidery is an extra charge.

Hilton Cruiser Retro Bowling Shirt
Hilton Cruiser Retro Bowling Shirt.
SKU vthaccruiser(ss81981)Price $44.10
Please select color and size and small name font and large name font and thread color:
Type any additional instructions here:Qty:
Hilton Legend Bowling Shirt
Hilton Legend Bowling Shirt.
Price $44.10
Please select size and color and small name font and large name font and thread color:
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Port Authority® S300 Retro Camp Shirt
Port Authority® S300 Retro Camp Shirt.
Price $31.98
Please select Color and Size and Small Name Font and Large Name Font and Thread Color:
Type any additional instructions here:Qty:
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